Christmas Gift Guide: How to save money and waste

Written by Hazel for Sustainable Penzance

With Christmas well on the way, shopping for gifts is likely high on your agenda (and, if you’re anything like us, you’re probably already counting the pennies).

But, every year, it’s easy to get caught up in spending hard-earned cash on things we don’t really need, while simultaneously generating unnecessary waste.

The good news is that keeping things sustainable and affordable at Christmas is more straightforward than you think – and can even save you money.

Here, we’ve listed some of the top ways to have a greener Christmas, without the big price tag:

  • Buy second-hand

One of the most sustainable things you can do this Christmas is buy second-hand – and the best part is that there are options for all budgets.

Whether you’re buying your loved-one a vintage jacket you just know they would love, or you’ve found a beautiful trinket for Mum in the local charity shop, there’s always a pre-loved treasure just waiting to be found.

  • Homemade gifts

Another way to keep things super green, super personal and super cheap is to hand-craft your gifts. Plus, you get all the added fun of doing it yourself!

There are plenty of easy-to-make recipes online (like these fudge, biscuits and cake recipes) if you’re a bit of a foodie, but the sky really is the limit.

If baking isn’t your thing, head out into nature and find sea glass at your local beach for ocean-inspired collages, or wander into the woods and forage for craft materials.

  • Shop local

Using Penzance’s shops is vital to a sustainable economy – plus, you’re far more likely to find unique, specialist gifts when you shop with independent and small businesses.

Not only does the money support local jobs and families, but here in Penzance you can also find lots of eco minded businesses and Plastic Free Champions who could have just the gifts you’re looking for.

We have tons of sustainable businesses right under our noses, and their specialist knowledge can go a long way to making the shopping that much easier. Don’t assume it’ll be more expensive either; many shops will also have offers or payment deals. So keep your eyes peeled and go in for a chat.

  • Buy quality, not quantity

Buying lots of cheaper gifts at Christmas might seem far more giving, but one of the best ways to be sustainable is to spend your money on just one gift that your loved-one really wants and needs.

Pooling your money together for one beautiful gift that you know will be appreciated and used, will go much further than investing in presents that won’t last the year.

To make things even easier, combining your money with someone else or setting up a gift exchange creates an achievable budget towards gifts you know won’t be wasted.

  • Sustainable toys

We know that one of the hardest things for parents is finding truly sustainable toys, particularly when, in the past, wooden toys have been traditionally more expensive.

However, there are now lots of affordable wooden toy options out there, so you no longer have to invest in the plastic ones that break before you blink.

To go one-step further, head to your local charity shop and raid the toy section there – you’ll be surprised at what you might find.

Now, you can even hire toys and send them back when your kids are done.

  • Gifting experiences

Our final option on this list of sustainable gifts is to give the gift of your time (and what could be more in the festive spirit than that?)

Rather than investing in more ‘stuff’, create some vouchers that you know will be appreciated in a whole different way.

Whether it’s a walk in their favourite place, a massage, a meal out or all of the above, there’s nothing better than just spending some decent time with the people you care about.

For more tips on sustainability this Christmas, keep an eye on our social channels (just click for Facebook and Instagram).

Hazel King